Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Cheap" but Classic

If money doesn't buy happiness, then how do you explain these vintage watches I found on ParkandBond.com?

Check out all of their beautiful watches here:

Unfortunately, as is the case with many fine watches, unless you have thousands of dollars to blow on an accessory (albeit the best accessory there is), clicking on that link can be a sad experience. But fear not, we can fix this.  

Does your boss's boss wear something like this IWC?

Its beautiful, but we definitely can't compete with that.  I feel like a lot of people buy a Seiko or Citizen watch for the office.  Nothing wrong with that.  These are completely fine:

Maybe I'm a brand snob, but I just don't love them, and they're not exactly cheap.  You'll have a watch, and thats fine. But personally I want something my boss looks at twice.

So I asked my dad for advice, and he told me that a lot of younger guys at his office were buying beautiful vintage watches on Ebay or in jewelry stores. For a similar price, you can get something to be uniquely proud of.  Check out a few I have been looking at:

I like that one for the price, but I'm in love with this next one.  Pricer, but totally worth it.

I'm not sure why exactly, but I was immediately drawn to the blue face.  Pair it with the black strap, and this watch totally stands out.  I don't have enough money to buy a high end watch, but I'd definitely go vintage before I went Seiko.  


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