Personally I love their shirts. Everyone wears patterned button downs these days, so it can be hard to stand out. But these brothers always make a concerted effort to add a delicate detail that will separate you from the pack. The shirt I own has amazing wooden buttons, each one slightly different from the next. Seems like a small change, but it can be all the difference you need.
Check out this flannel shirt for example:
Its hard to justify buying a shirt thats $100 dollars more than its J.Crew alternative, but if you can swing it, or find it on sale, I say go for it. I like the detail on the shoulders, and although I often prefer collars without buttons, I don't think it matters here (although I do stick to that rule when wearing a tie, but thats just me).
And when the weather gets chilly on a summer night, try upgrading your hoody with something like this:
Just because its the summer and you're on the beach, it doesn't mean you should just throw on some ratty old fleece that lives at your parent's place. Again, this is expensive. But again, I want it.
Now I don't really know if this is classic Burkman Bro's, but I posted a while back about some Pendleton blankets - See Blankets for Men (And Cool Women). I found some more beautiful blankets on the Burkman Website. Check these out:
And my personal favorite:
I think these are almost as handsome as the Pendleton blankets, but I've never handled one myself so I can't say for sure.
Okay last thing. Apparently, these guys were actually made famous by their bracelets. I used to make things like this when I was at summer camp. Once I left camp, I cut them off. But they're definitely coming into fashion right now. I can't decide if I would actually wear these, but you might as well take a look.
The name alone makes me sick to my stomach, but my wrist does feel naked without a watch on. Maybe I'll try wearing them this summer, but I just know that I've looked at people wearing these and said, "Why are you wearing that?"
This is the BEST blog I have ever read! I hope the author starts using himself as a model!
P.s. I am still waiting for my summercamp friendship bracelet from the author.