Thursday, May 9, 2013

Duke and Winston

A few days ago I posted about Hudson River Watch Company, a new watch maker that my buddy Edward had spotted on Kickstarter. Impressed by their story, and captivated by Kickstarter in general, I've spent the past few weeks pouring over the site, watching videos, and reading through different ideas.

And just last night, I stumbled upon Duke and Winston. You can watch the promotional video Here

The company is just a single man who started a clothing line out of his own apartment in Philadelphia. The brand is named after his English Bulldog Duke, and Sir Winston Churchill.

Both the name and logo are featured extensively in his clothing. 

I like some of his clothing alright, but I was more interested in the development of his concept. The amount of work that goes into putting together something like this from scratch is rather mind blowing. And stories like this make it clear to me that execution is often more important than an actual idea.  Either way, this guy clearly has follow through, and his branding has been successful as well; he just reached over $30,000 on Kickstarter, well over his funding goal. 

As for me, I'm still working on my concept. To help me in that process, I just bought this book. 

Amazon's 1-click shopping is dangerous, especially for me, but I'm excited to look through it.


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