Monday, January 7, 2013

For Her

Chicks man.... the worst.

What do you buy them for christmas? Valentine's day? Anniversaries? Birthdays? How much are you supposed to spend? How do you make it personal? Etc, etc. It can be quite overwhelming.

Ok well I definitely don't have the answer to all those questions, but I do have a few gift ideas for that special lady in your life, mothers included!

I love these necklaces.

Check out the rest of their styles at  Made by hand, these necklaces are pretty, one of a kind, and not super expensive -- sounds good to me.

But maybe you've already given enough jewelry, lets try something new.  I love this little alarm clock.

Linden Alarm Clock $20

How cute is that?!?!  She will love it, I love it, I want it, forget the girl, give it to me!

But OK this next idea is way out there.  I really like it, but I think I would be too scared to buy it.  Too risky.

Vintage 90's Grunge Bag $62

See what I mean? In my opinion, you should never buy a girl a dress, who knows if it will fit.  This  bag has such a unique style, I think it follows the same rule.

Alright, my last bit of advice is to look on Ebay for vintage clothing from high-end brands.  Every once in a while you will find something amazing, at a reasonable price.  I really liked this scarf, but unfortunately it got a little too rich for my blood.

Vintage Hermes, it sold for a cool $200 on Ebay. Scarves are nice because they always fit. Great for moms.

Anyways, the point is that its all about effort.  Buying a gift is hard, so it shouldn't be easy (Yogi Berra anyone?).  I usually try to find one "big ticket" item, and then get a few smaller things that I know/hope she'll like.  Its almost like hedging a bet, how romantic!

And lastly when you are shopping for the girl friend, feel free to ask your mom for help, just don't ler her go out and do the shopping herself.  I've seen it happen, and thats just poor form...


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