Friday, March 23, 2012

All Business?

I like wearing nice patterned ties that upon closer look, are actually lined with dogs, bears, or some other animal.  This isn't a unique style, I'm looking at you vineyard vines.  But this is different.  I'm not at a gala in Cape Cod, and I don't play lacrosse.  I want a serious tie, but with a lighter touch.

Now I can't decide if I feel vindicated, or if this is a little weird.  But as I was about to post a few ties and give my spiel, I stumbled upon a blog post by "Ms. Glitzy".  She killed it with this Hermès tie and blurb:

"It started like this… I was in a really serious meeting and this colleague was giving a really serious presentation. I was paying a lot of attention to this very serious discussion. Then I caught notice of his light blue tie. And to my surprise, the tie was woven with a multitude of cheery penguins." -- Ms. Glitzy

Thats the desired effect, although personally its not my favorite tie.  Unfortunately, with most of these high end brands - Hermes, Ferragamo, Zenga - a silk tie will cost $150 dollars or more. If you want the look without the price, this isn't a bad option:

This design isn’t quite as disguised as the other one, but I still think it works.  Although it might be more appropriate for a dinner party than the office.  Either way, everyone knows that the Weiner dog is straight business.

And in case you were curious about the rest of Ms. Glitzy’s article (Who is this dream woman?), check it out here.


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